Sunday, September 22, 2013

I want to go to London

Everybody has a place in this world that they would just love to visit. That place for me is London, England. I have never been in the UK before. I have had friends and relatives visit London before and the things they have shown me has made me want to go there. I would love to have someone give me a ridiculous amount of money and a plain ticket so that I can go to london & shop till I DROP. I have heard that London has excellent shops & stuff to buy. I have never been in topshop... & that is a shop I would very much like to visit.

Then there is the sight seeing in London. Ahhh I would just love to stand outside Buckingham Palace & have my picture taken with one of the english guards hahah. Or to have a walk in the city, go on london eye, to stand by big ben, travel in the tube & lots of other stuff. Maybe my little dream will come true on day.

This is my chrystal that my cousin bought me in London last year. I love it so much .

1 comment:

  1. I go to uni everyday in london and its such a magical place! The shopping is expensive but if you don't mind just browsing through the stores it's a lot of fun!
    I hope your dream to come to london comes true!

    Check out my recent post about london fashion week on my blog!
    I would love to follow your blog if you want to follow me to I would gladly return the favour!
    Keep up the lovely blog! Xx
